Marketplace Brandzone
Case Study
My role
To increase sales for Huawei, we placed our products in the top e-commerce marketplaces. This is a highly competitive space, so it was essential to make a strong impression while still upholding our brand standards.
Remaking three brand zones; adjusting special promotions; developing auto-resized product cards
  • Sales increased
  • Non-design colleagues can now easily customize product cards using templates
  • Increase overall customer satisfaction and reach more potential buyers
Marketplaces offer immense potential for sales, making it essential to be present in them and showcase the best qualities of the brand
So, how can we create a brand zone that reflects the premium and minimalistic style of our brand in such a crowded environment?
Problem Statement
Working with the constraints of marketplaces
Despite the technical regulations for content structure, we were often encouraged to make banners brighter and use colorful backgrounds — something that was against our brand standards. I was always committed to creating minimalistic and premium brand zones for all marketplaces.
Auto layout for product cards enables easy editing for all users
I designed product cards so that when another team member needs to edit the price or description, the design and position of elements remain unchanged. For instance, red forms with the key feature adjust their size automatically depending on the number of words used.
Brandzone for AliExpress
in two versions: promo
and regular
Thinking about this project, I emphasize the significance of standardizing product cards, brand zones, and other digital products that are essential for brand identity. To speed up the process of standardization, don't underestimate the strength of auto layouts! It may take some time to set up, but once it's done, work moves along quickly and smoothly.
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